Last updated 2024-11-16
BeyondSA's community is composed of South Africans from around the globe who bring with them different cultures, values, and norms. Our dedication to bringing people together by fostering meaningful and shared experiences rests on the principles of respect and inclusion. Along these lines, we ask that our users:
- Agree to our Community Commitment, which requires that everyone using BeyondSA treat each other with respect regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age.
- Abide by the below Non Discrimination Guidelines.
BeyondSA's Non Discrimination Guidelines
We prohibit users, from discriminating against others on the basis of the following protected characteristics:
- Race
- Religion
- Gender
- Age
- Disability
- Familial status (having children)
- Marital status (being married or not)
- Ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
- Sex
- Gender identity
- Pregnancy and related medical conditions
Discriminatory Language
- BeyondSA users may not use language that calls for exclusion, segregation of, violence towards, demeans, insults, stereotypes, or seeks to convey a person's inferiority because of a protected characteristic. This includes usage of slurs, negative associations, and all other forms of hateful speech.
Hateful and Discriminatory Symbols, Images, and Objects
- BeyondSA users may not display symbols, objects, logos, slogans, or images that are hateful, stereotype people because of a protected characteristic, or convey a discriminatory meaning. This includes images depicting discriminatory or racist symbols (including coded symbols), leaders of hate groups, or stereotypes.
Terms of Service and Local Law
Our Terms and Conditions require users to understand and follow laws or regulations that apply to them. Additionally, where this policy provides more protections and does not conflict with applicable laws or regulations, we expect users to follow this policy.
If there is no applicable law or regulation on a particular issue, this policy governs.
How to Report a Violation
If you believe you have been discriminated against, or want to report a user, profile, listing, or message for discriminatory behavior, you have a few avenues available to make a report to us. You can:
- Click or tap the Report this conversation/topic/comment icon.
- Contact us directly, remembering to leave your name and specific details about the incident (including date(s), people involved, if applicable).